About this site

My name is Paul Macaulay and I am a senior podiatrist with experience working in different private practices in the UK and in Singapore. I have started this blog because I want to share my experiences treating different patients and conditions. Also to offer insights into the world of podiatry.

Through this blog, I want to share stories related to podiatry, the latest research, and what it means for patients. I am passionate about helping people achieve optimal foot health and mobility and I believe that sharing my knowledge and experiences can be a powerful way to do so.

I also want to use this platform to start writing and build my brand as a podiatrist. I believe that sharing valuable information and insights can help people make better-informed decisions about their health.

Lastly, I want to increase awareness about the importance of better foot health and the role of podiatry in achieving it. I hope that through this blog, I can help people understand the importance of proper foot care and inspire them to take action towards better health. Thank you for joining me on this journey!

About me

"I recognise that a small thing can make a big difference to some ones life"

I am dedicated to providing expert podiatry care that help patients overcome various foot and ankle conditions. I am passionate about delivering care that caters to the unique needs of each patient. Whether you're experiencing chronic foot pain, a sports injury, or any other podiatry issue, I have the resources and expertise to get you back on your feet.

I am passionate about making a difference in people's lives, no matter how small it may seem. My experience of looking after my grandmother during my teenage years fueled my desire to work in healthcare. This led me to pursue a career in Podiatry.

As a podiatrist, I believe that every patient attending an initial consultation should leave with something beneficial. This could be as simple as footwear advice, or a course of treatment for a painful condition, or even an onward referral for further assessment. There is always something a podiatrist can do to help.

Past experience

Paul qualified as a podiatrist from the University of Southampton in the UK, working in the private practice setting for roughly 4 years, before moving to Singapore in 2021.

Paul practised in a multidisciplinary private clinic near Bath UK where the emphasis was on rehabilitation, returning the patient to performance, and preventing pathological conditions or injuries from developing. Paul, being a keen sports enthusiast and athlete himself, has a strong interest in musculoskeletal podiatry. His previous clinical experience saw him specialise in the treatment of Dermatological conditions such as ingrown toenails and fungal nails.

Prior to joining MyFootDr Singapore, Paul furthered his musculoskeletal skills, working in a local clinic offering all types of general treatment and biomechanical work. He used innovative technology such as 3-D imaging and foot scanning, shockwave therapy, and designed and fitted custom orthotics for paediatric and adult patients.

He prides himself on every patient taking something away from their podiatry consultation whether it is simply footwear advice, education about their specific condition/s, a course of treatment or a referral to another health professional if required.

Paul is a member of the Royal College of Podiatry UK and a member of the Association of Podiatric Medicine Singapore where he takes part in charity clinics to give back to the community here in Singapore.

Outside of work

When I'm not working, I love spending time on the golf course, cricket field or tennis court. Being part of a team, whether it's at work or play, is something I truly cherish.

I have a passion for social media and marketing so in my spare time I enjoy growing my following on instagram and tiktok as well as editing videos for business and pleasure.